Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The First Match I Actually Communicated With(April 2006)

His name was Mark and he lived in a college town about 120 miles northeast of Jackson. He was a landscape architect . We became fast friends on the phone and he called every night. He made me laugh and remember what it was like to have a man in my life. I fell in love with him even though he never posted his picture.
Not posting his picture should have been the first clue but I never caught it. I'm such a trusting woman that I just never did. I once took a personality test that said I had the same personality as Gracie Allen. Yep,I'm the blond personality with reddish brown hair. Like I said in the first sentence,I never caught the clues. He was married...
He only called around midnight. I would lay in bed and wait for that phone to ring,just thinking that he was a real night owl. Several times he hung up suddenly. He never wanted to come see me ,even though he claimed that he was in Jackson frequently on business. He only e/mailed using his work address and closed me off on e/harmony. He never wanted to show me his picture.
He told some whoppers too,things I believed at the time but now realize they were ridiculous. He said he was OCD. Told me he got burned badly in an accident and that's why he didn't want me to see his picture. Said he had thrown his wife out of the house when he caught her in bed with some surgeon who was their friend. Said he did that and then threw her clothes on the porch and changed the locks so she couldn't get back inside.
He also said he owned a landscaping business and didn't advertise and I couldn't find him in the phone book... How many people do you know who own a business and do that ?
I never did google him but I should have. I don't like to google people,if they want to tell me something about themselves I want them to tell me with their own mouth.
Mark disappeared suddenly. I wrote him for a while but then eventually moved on to another match.
My brother's college room mate lived in the same city as Mark lived while all this was going on. Several months after Mark disappeared I got to talk to this room mate. He told me that his wife was on a tennis team with Mark's wife and as far as he knew everything was fine and they were still married. BUSTED
I was also matched with a real estate developer from the same town as Mark. This new match didn't work out for me but I did find out that Mark does not own a landscaping business. And he didn't get burned and he was married...

Another lesson learned... Next chapter is about a match who I may never meet but who was the best writer in the bunch-and is still my friend even though he's happily dating the love of his life(and I'm happy for him)

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